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We invite you to join us for worship! Below you can find information regarding times, sermons and what our worship service will include. 



Join Us for Our Worship Service at 11AM



Our worship service begins at 11:00 a.m. and concludes at 12:00 p.m. Our Greeters are happy to help you find your way around. If you have small children you may want to arrive a few minutes early to help get them settled into the nursery that is available. Our worship style is traditional and focused on the Lord, as seen in Worship 101 (found below).



Sunday school is held at 10:00 am in the Christian Education Building with refreshments. We offer a Bible study for all ages, from children to adults, and we also have a nursery and preschool available. Our children (K-5th grade) will enjoy discussion and activities during Bible study and the youth will meet for Bible study and discussion led by one of our church’s elders.



Welcome to our church and to one of the most vital things we do: worshiping the Living God in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). We hope that as you worship with us, your hearts will be enriched, your minds opened to the things of God, and your desires shaped to His will.

Below is the layout of our morning worship.


THE ANNOUNCEMENTS: Since we are a worshiping community, we may have a few announcements of common interest before the Prelude, but please read the items of interest in your bulletin. Join us in any of our activities.


THE PRELUDE: A musical piece planned for reflection and preparation. We recognize that most of us lead very hectic lives. Please calm your heart and prepare to meet God. Meditation on Scripture or reading over the words of hymns for the service is often helpful.


THE CALL TO WORSHIP: The tone of the service begins with Scripture, reminding us all of our purpose.


SINGING UNTO THE LORD: We welcome you to pray, praise, and witness during our songs. We use hymns that are time-tested, focused on God, and reverent. Our goal is to bring you into the presence of the exalted God, no less, who joins us in worship. When special music is included, it is offered as an act of worship to the glory of God. Since it is not a performance for entertainment, we ask you hold your applause.


THE CONFESSION: Often we use historic confessions or creeds to verbalize our faith publicly and to unite us together. Usually, the pastor will identify the time period or setting of an ancient confession. We also use Prayers of Confessions, with an announcement of Pardon from sin — good news for all believers. We invite you to enter sincerely into these opportunities to acknowledge our brokenness – in thought, word, and deed – and to receive God’s forgiveness through Christ.


THE PASTORAL PRAYER: A time to praise, petition, and communicate with God. We often pray for specific needs of our congregation at this time, as well as use words and phrases from the Bible.


THE OFFERING: Our church’s work is supported by grateful givers and their tithes, which belong to the Lord (Mal. 3:10).


SCRIPTURE READINGS: We believe that God’s Word is perfect and cannot fail. Thus, we seek to saturate our worship with as much of God’s Word as possible. Every service of worship will feature many portions of God's Word because it is the bread of life.


THE SERMON: An explanation of the Bible verses read. Our pastors frequently preach through books of the Bible, trusting God’s Spirit to apply His Word to your hearts. The sermon’s purpose is not so much to entertain as it is to unfold and apply the eternal message of God.


THE BENEDICTION: While the benediction is pronounced, reverently meditate and rejoice in God’s blessing. It is quite literally a "good word", taken from Scripture to give a concluding blessing to the service.


THE POSTLUDE: Celebratory music played after the service has concluded. During this time, be sure to greet one another and deepen your friendships as an overflow of worship.


In essence, we seek to worship God as modeled in Scripture, not according to human imagination, custom, creativity, or glamour. This ancient and reverent worship form depends on God’s ordinary methods: preaching, prayer, and the sacraments as effective means by which God conveys grace, strength, truth, love, and eternal life. We extend our hands to invite you to join us. We can’t wait to worship the Living God together!


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440 North Columbia Street
Milledgeville, GA 31061


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